1. How much are my HOA dues and how do I make the payments?
    Assessments are due quarterly on the 1st of January, April, July and October in the amount of $155 per quarter (increase came into effect 1 Jan 2025) Please go to the UPA website and log in to make payments. 
  2. How can I set up a direct deposit for my HOA dues?
    Log in to the UPA website and set up payments there. 
  3. How do I pay my HOA dues online and check my account balance?
    Log in to the UPA website
  4. Who is United Property Associates and what do they do?
    United Property Associates is now Cheshire Forest’s professional association management company. If you have questions regarding the Home Owners’ Association, including the clubhouse, pool and tennis courts, contact UPA, the new Association Manager listed on the left side of this page. You can also find information on the Documents page.
  5. How many home owner votes are required to approve changes to association by laws?
    The Bylaws can be amended by a majority vote of quorum at a regular or special meeting. Quorum is 10% or 51.
  6. Do I need to get approval to build a shed?
    Yes. All modifications to the exterior of the home require ARB approval (Architectural Review Board). Modifications include fences, sheds, roofing, siding, drives, pools and awnings.
  7. What are the association guidelines for selling my home?
    Sellers must provide buyers with a resale disclosure package which can be obtained from www.homewisedocs.com . One sign of not more than five (5) square feet advertising the property for sale or lease is allowed.
  8. On what day is garbage/recycling collected?
    Garbage & recycling is collected early Thursday mornings. You can put your bins out no earlier than Wednesday night and bins need to be properly stored by Thursday evening.
  9. What are the important telephone numbers for local services?
    Non-emergency Police Phone Number: 757-382-6161
    City of Chesapeake: 757-382-CITY (2489) | www.CityofChesapeake.net
  10. What are the public schools for Cheshire Forest?
    Great Bridge Primary, Great Bridge Intermediate, Great Bridge Middle School, Great Bridge High
  11. Can I fish in the ponds? Do I need a license?
    Fishing licenses are required unless you are under 12-years-old or blind. Contact  the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for more details: http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/regulations/licenses.asp#fees
  12. When/how can a homeowner address the Homeowners Association and/or Board of Directors?
    At any time: HOA Manager and Board of Directors member names/e-mails are listed under Contacts. Also homeowners can address the Board at the monthly meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse.
  13. Can I rent the clubhouse, and if yes, how?
    Any Cheshire Forest homeowner can rent the clubhouse by contacting the HOA Manager. A reservation is not confirmed until the rental fee is received. Please see more information on the Documents page.
  14. How can I can get a key for the tennis courts?
    Contact the HOA Manager. Keys are $10.00 each.
  15. When does the pool open/close for the season?
    Opens Memorial Day weekend, and closes the weekend after Labor Day.